I know I haven’t been home that long but already so much has changed. On the plane ride home I distinctly remember Granny saying to me “You know I’m not quite sure what life lesson I’ve got out of this experience yet but I am sure I will figure it out”. And just the other day I received an email from her sharing how after she got home it really brought the experience into perspective for her and she found that personal life lesson. Coming home really was the big culture shock, simple things in my daily life really hit me hard once I was back. Little things like going to fridge to get a snack... Fridge what fridge? Or Where is my bucket of water to shower!? Oh... ya the shower! And the big one was “What I have grad pictures the day after I get back!? That means I’m going to have to brush my hair!” lol But the biggest thing for me is the feeling I have right under my chest, where my heart is. I never knew it was possible to feel this much and that is what has really opened my eyes. I now know the amount of love a person is capable of giving and receive is indescribable. I believe the only reason I was capable of experiencing this amazing personal growth was because I promised myself I would go into this journey with an open mind and heart to everything. And I saw Mom and Granny really struggle with this at times as it is so easy to say “you should do that this way” or “why would you do that?” But we just had to remind ourselves of something Daniel Tate told us before we went, “They are differences, not deficiencies.” We are all different people and we came from a different way of life and of doing things but that didn’t mean one was better than the other, we are just simply different. This lesson might be hard to understand for some and is really one that you have to experience to truly grasp.
Since we got home Mom and I decided we wanted to send Ernest to school to learn English with Juma. Ernest was very busy getting the back transformed into a garden and putting a fence up so he had to wait until that job was done before he could start class! His first day was on Monday so I hope his first week is going good for him. I know the main reason Mom came with me was just so she could make sure I was ok. But talk to her about this trip and you might be surprised to see a different side of her, a side that she openly admits that she would seriously adopt if she could! Lol Funny how much a trip can affect you! Eever since I shared my story with the man sitting next to me on the plane I can’t seem to stop. Every person I can it seems like I am telling them part of my journey, It’s almost addictive to share it with as many people as I can. Despite coming back and getting a job within the first week and working five days a week now,signing up for summer classes through the college, applying for scholarships, grad and the usual hustle and bustle of my life I still find I come back to kids and everyone involved in Karim. I might be home and busy but a big part of me is still in Africa. I miss the kids like they are my best friends and my own kids and Rehema, Dada, Aisha as my own sisters and Juma and Ernest like my big brothers! It’s hard being home when I miss them so much but I just keep reminding myself to work hard and save and then I can go back! And is exactly my plan! We really did make life long friends! :)