Today started at the crack of dawn, no breaky straight into the car and hoping for the best! Last night we had maps covering the bed, and me - the navigator - sitting in the midst of them trying to use my the Internet while we had it to find a way out of Santa Cruz. Somehow between Google, the maps and my keen sense of direction we got to San Jose. It wasn't all smooth sailing. There were some issues when Granny was determined she knew the way but I got us where we were supposed to be! I was even telling the cab driver where the train station was once we dropped the rental car off. Thinking we were plenty early for the Amtrac, we went to buy our tickets. The lady told us we should take a different train as it would take us closer to our destination. Sweet, except that train left in 4 minutes!!! By the time we got our tickets we were down to 2 or 3 minutes.... So there we were, bags on our backs running in the tunnel trying to make the train! It was like Mexico all over again, Granny behind me yelling "GO!!!" Ha, ha! Oh, we had a laugh once safely seated on the train.
Once we arrived in San Francisco we got to the hostel we had booked a t(or thought we had) to find we did not a reservation. I was kinda disappointed because they had Beer Olympics and Pup Crawls. Sucks I missed out - even though I don't drink. We called around and found we had actually made reservations at a different place a few blocks away. The company we booked through books for several small places in this area. So we eventually found where we were supposed to be, but no beer Olympics ; )
We dropped our stuff and headed out on the street in search of whatever came our way. We walked around, took the trolley down to fisherman's wharf and walked around there. We found a chocolate store and so of course we had to stop, with my obsession and all!
Then we found the Irish coffee place Granny had on her list of places we had to hit. The we hopped back on the trolley and headed to Union Square, which turned out to not be as exciting as we thought so we headed back to the motel. By 3 p.m. Granny was complaining she was tuckered right out, so I guess I gotta start taking it easier on her!
We kicked back and watched some Big Bang to wind down the the day and get a few more laughs in!