Wednesday 17 April 2013

Another Year Gone...

It is crazy to think that yet another year has come and gone. In less than a week I will be done my first year of Nursing, and I know now more than ever this is what I am supposed to do! I had a moment just about a month ago that stopped me in my tracks and made me think of what has molded me into the person I am today. I was going through my computer when I came across the family pictures that were taken this past summer. There was a picture of my Mom and I that I hadn’t even remembered ever been taken. The reason it caught me off guard was because it was so obvious how much I have started to look like my Mother. So I started to look closer, at the little details. The way our eyes squinted when we smiled, how our emotions were portrayed though our eyes. I couldn’t help but notice precise angle of our jaws, the way our cheeks scrunched towards our eyes and the simple way our upper lip seems to disappear when our smile is genuine. I soon realized that behind each and every one of these physical characteristics there was also a piece of my personality that came along with it.

I then started to think about that shy little girl I was once that resembled more of my Dad. I know, hard to believe there was a time in my life that I was shy. As I begin to look more like Mom there is no doubt in my mind a large part of my personality has come from my Father as well. Although quieter than my Mom, he has no problem going with the flow and doing things to keep people happy. But when it matters he speaks his mind and stands his ground. In this past year I have started to see that I do that at times as well. Now we all know that Mom is assertive and has no problem sharing her view, which usually results in her getting her way. I never thought I was overly assertive but Auntie Dar pointed out not that long ago that I am when it comes to certain things. I know what I want and stand for and when I feel strongly I will stand my ground. Of course with there only being my brother and I growing up he has also had a big impact on my life. If there is one thing he is good at I would have to say it would be his witty remarks that never fail to make us laugh and smile. He has taught me to laugh until I spit my food across the table as well as set a good example of the importance of academics and how to achieve my goals.

I have been so lucky not only to have my grandparents well but also so close to me and a part of my life.  Although Papa isn’t here physically and my time with him was cut short, I still smile when I realize he is still influencing my life in many ways. The other day when I biked to Lethbridge, the entire ride I was scanning the ditch for treasures and when I came across that “nice red bucket” I noted the location and made Mom stop so I could get it on the way home. I couldn’t help but snicker thinking that was the Papa in me. My Nana has definitely passed on her caring and giving qualities to me. Always making someone’s favorite meal or cookies in the midst of her own busy life she has a way of making you feel special simply through her thoughts and actions. I too now experience the joy that giving has brought to my life through my journey to Africa and currently with volunteering weekly with Streets Alive. I don’t think there is anyone in our family that would disagree that I get my adventurous personality comes from my Granny. She may have what we think are different or “weird” tactics at times, but there is always a lesson to learn and places to explore when it comes to her. As much as I enjoy talking there are times I just like to take it all in. This trait I get from my Grandpa, a man that some may think is quiet and keeps to myself, I believe has immense wisdom because he takes in everything everyone else has to offer and say. Of course everyone else in my life has influenced the person I have grown to be as well. My friends in Africa also expanded who I am and what I stand for, taught me lessons that could only be experienced and are still with me every day. I can not be more grateful for the variety and balance of people in my life. I truly would not be the young women you have come to know. So I must thank everyone in my life for being who they are so I can be who I am.

With love,

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