Monday, 20 February 2012

Aw... Bibi Jean and Cianna's last day!

Our day started with a bit of a sleep in which was a nice change for us both. Following a delicious breakfast by the pool we decided to go for a walk. LOL Yes, I know some of you at home might think we were crazy but we quite enjoyed ourselves on the busy streets of Arusha! What started as a walk with the two of us to the little store down the street, ended up being a stroll of three of us. We picked up a friend on our way! Haha! Tony was a very nice young man that chatted us up until we reached the store and then he made plans to catch up with us on our way back to the hotel.

Once we walked through the store we decided to continue our stroll to the market as I knew the way. So here are these two muzungu’s (white people) walking down the street with not a care in the world.  After being here a month I feel safe on the streets and even chat with some locals! Granny giggled every time someone (usually a young man) would say "Hello" to me and I would respond and then ask them how they were doing as we passed. All of them made some kind of comment on my good Swahili and were surprised I could even respond and understand what they were saying to carry on the conversation. People are so friendly here, sticking their heads out the car window to say hello to someone they don’t even know on the street. If I knew more Swahili, I could have had 30 friends just from walking to the market and back! LOL
I had warned Bibi Jean about the market so she knew what to expect as Mom and I were caught off guard when we went! After only making it into 4 different shops we had everything we wanted and more so Bibi called it quits and we headed back to the hotel. That friend we made kept his word and walked us part way to the hotel. He was a very nice man and we ended up buying some paintings from him to bring home.

After our adventure at the market we sat by the pool drinking Fanta and had a dip to relax and cool off. After another shower we are freshened up and just relaxing until Linda and Rehema arrive for supper and the ride to the airport! Only seven and a half hours and we should be on the plane home, catching some Zzzzs and reading some books to make it through a few long flights! It’s been a good way to end this trip but it won’t be my last day in Africa!

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