Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Meet the Kids!

Baby Johnson is just learning to walk! We will have him walking by himself before I leave!

Baby Alex, is best know for his tears! LOL He gets upset at all the little things but when he laughs he says "no! no! no!" It will make your day!

Oneismo is five years old. He had this cute little smile on when we gave him a new car to play with!

Sam, is eight years old and is the second oldest boy here.

Sam, Oneismo and Alex are brothers. They have two other brothers that live with other relatives. Their parents were killed for money by other relatives. Alex has a scar on his head where the bullet skimmed his forehead.

Ibra is almost three, and the cutest little kid you have ever met! For a little guy he knows and understands a lot of English. Ibra is Dada's son. Dada lives here and does all the cleaning and cooking. This is one of the little guys that will need a sponsor for school.

Hawa is five years old. She has the biggest personality and is always talking and telling stories! She doesn't like homework though.  Every night its a struggle to get it all done but she laughs through it all!

Magreth,she is eight years old.She has these big beautiful eyes that just sparkle! She also has more attitude then the rest of the kids when she doesn't get her way but has a very sweet smile!

Hasan, is five years old. He is quiet but lights up when you pay attention to him! He loves to try to tickle you and then runs away when you tickle him but comes right back to tickle you again!

Godfrey is ten. But we call him Babu which is grandfather because he is the grandfather of the kids, looking after them all.

Mwana is eight years old. She is so happy and smiles with her whole face and not just her mouth!

Sabrina, is eight years old. She is Rehama's daughter is always smiling and is very helpful with the little kids!

Lucy is eleven years old. We like to call her lucky lucy! She is always helping with the little ones or helping Dada and Rehama around the house!

Neema is thirteen years old. She is the oldest girl here and very quiet and shy but giggles when ever something is funny!

Saumu is eleven years old. She is quiet as well and is also very helpful getting the girls ready for school and for bed!

Antonia is eight years old. She is very social and stomps her feet if she gets upset but she is a chatter!


  1. Ok! I need info on how to become a sponcer. Ibra is soooo cute

    1. Email me at and I will give you the details. thanks

  2. Thanks Cianna. If you could have seen the look on the face of the student who sent the doll when she saw her gift in Africa, you would have been crying like a baby! The students loved seeing each indivudal child that they had written to and can't wait to hear what they thought of the letters. Does Karim have a mailing address? We want to write more!
